Friday, May 24, 2013


I started a little shop on Etsy, blogger is giving me a lot of trouble trying to post the link on the sidebar. However it can be found by searching JoCzech on :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Finished Field Painting

Field with fence, Oil on panel  9x12"

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Three Tim Horton's Doughnuts

Three Time Horton's Doughnuts, oil on panel, 9x12"

I was trying out a palette knife to paint the table that the doughnuts sit on.  It gave me some edges that I really like, although they don't seem to show up very well in the photo here.  You can always click the image to see it bigger.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Field with fence

Oil painting, Field with Fence line, 9x12" panel
Not entirely finished here, waiting for the grasses to dry before I do one more pass.  


Hmmm, I'm trying to take a couple new painting photo's.  However it's past the hour that my front room gets natural light.  I could go outside, but the heat makes the doors stick so badly that I'm sure to wake my sleeping toddler by opening them.  And if he wakes up I won't be able to edit the pics anyways.... No new photos to post today I guess.